Series: Fairy Tail
Costume Creation: The chestpiece, neck piece, and earrings were made out of worbla. The rest of the yellow parts of the costume as well as the black hair pieces are all sculpted out of craft foam. The red fabric I used was a red sparkly stretch velvet and I decided that the red armor parts of the body should also be covered in this fabric. So I took artistic liberty and i ended up really liking how it looked! Everything that I had to sew was hand sewn to make sure it blended better than what a machine could do. The sword was sculpted out of pink insulation foam and coated in 4 layers of wood glue with 6mm craft foam detailing.
Cost: $95 (including wig and contacts)
Created: June 2015
Work time: 3 weeks
Status: Retired
Worn at: Replay FX 2015, Wizard World 2015
Photographers: Sara Lynn Photography