Series: Persona 5: Dancing in Starlight
Costume Creation: I commissioned the shirt, choker, and [heels] shoes from a private seller (I’m so sorry I do not remember the site I commissioned it from!!). The wig is bought from AliExpress! I made the headpiece, and gloves myself and also sewed a mini tutu to fluff the skirt up a a little for a more “Ballerina” look! The ballet shoes were actually my old ancient pair from my dancing days. They were about 12 years old so I just decided it was time to sacrifice them! I dyed them black and then sewed black ribbons into them! And now they are filled with holes from doing ballet on concrete, but they fulfilled their goal at this point <3
Cost: $80
Created: October 2021
Work time: 4 hours
Status: Active
Worn at: None Yet
Photographer: Erik Parades Photography