Series: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Costume Creation: This cosplay in particular was a LOT of first time's for me in a lot of areas. The headpiece was the first thing I ever made and sculpted out of worbla. The bodysuit is a 4 way stretch lycra fabric in gray and black. The cape is a regular Black thick polyester lining with a sheer blue lining on the inside. The cape was then airbrushed for all of the detailing. The skirt is also made out of the same fabric as the cape and has the same airbrushed details. The top silver detailings on the cape and skirt were created with a stencil and then fabric spray paint. The belt, hair piece, and anklet are made out of craft foam. The bodypaint was airbrushed on using ProAiir Hybrid Bodypaint.
Cost: $90 (not including contacts)
Created: December 2014
Work time: month and a half
Status: Retired
Worn at: MAGfest 2015, Katsucon 2015, Tekko 2015
Photographers: Vannak Photography, Cyberhead Designs, XWickedGames, Sara Lynn Photography, Yenra Photography